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Product - Spices

Of all the products that India in known for in the Western World, Spices has long been the one thing that people would think of first.

Along side the famous Silk Route from China ran the equally important Spice Route. Explorers from Europe had long sought the way to India to find these rare, precious and wonderful flavors that grow so naturally in India. Indian Spices range from the flavorful and aromatic to the medicinal, healing and healthful.

Amongst the most famous names are:
Turmeric, Ginger, Cumin, Coriander, Cardamom, Peppers and all shades of Mustard from black to brown to yellow.

Then there are the names less well known to the outside world that are staples in Indian cooking whose flavor profiles you have no doubt tasted, but may not know well: Asafoetida, Fenugreek, Carom, Mace, and Star Anise.

There are also the seasonal favorites such as Nutmeg, Cloves and Fennel; and the Spice blends whose names are synonymous with India; Curry and Garam Masala.

Whatever you want to cook and in whatever season or clime, Spice is the Variety of Life.
For the Flavor, and for Health, from India to the World.


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