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Product - Textiles

India has long been a world leader in fabrics, textiles, cotton, pashmina and more since time immemorial.

If you have a textile manufacturing need, chances are that India can fulfill that need.
For high quality Fabrics of all types, Cotton from the land where cotton was first produced. Luxurious Silks, Brocades and finished products of your own design.

Cotton production in India can be traced back to the 4th millennium B.C.E.  Fabrics excavated from Harrapan sites have been identified as coming from cotton plants.

There are references to the thread and loom in the Rig Veda. Other lines from the Vedangas extol the virtues of the products prepared by divine hands:

“O cloth! The Goddess Revati prepared a sliver by beating you out of seeds. The Goddess Krithika spun you into yarn. The Goddess Dhee did the weaving. The Goddess Gna cut and took you out of the loom. The above goddesses and thousands more made up the ends at both sides of the cloth. The Goddesses gave the cloth to the Sun (Savitr) God and even as he put it on, its greatness became explicit. So, too, is the cloth.” 


Down into modern times India is still a world leader in textiles production.
With more land under cultivation, more looms and professional workers handling these looms, no where is more capable than India to clothe, cover and drape the people of the world.

If you need products off the shelf, or want to have your own designs brought to life, India can do it.

Perhaps you need to move your manufacturing base from one country to another, here you will find a safe-haven for your products to come from.

Let us know what you need and we’ll make it possible.


Service is our Product – India is our Brand

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